March 9, 2025

All set up!

Night One: Penn Roosevelt State Park Campground

I hear banjos!!!! This place was so far out in the middle of nowhere I was expecting to see an axe murderer at any moment.

After a 3 mile, 1 1/2 lane, gravel road it was actually a very nice, quiet out of the way campground that only made me a little nervous and that nervousness was only exasperated by the fact that there was no one else in the campground. I got set up and enjoyed a whiskey and my book. It wasn’t until I was leaving the next day that I noticed the “No Alcoholic Beverages” sign… Whoops.

The next morning I made some tea and packed up camp. I didn’t get a very good night’s sleep, but that wasn’t the campground’s fault.

I haven’t used my BioLite stove in years. That thing is 10 years old and still gets a little pot of water to boil in under 10 minutes.

Almost ready to get back on the road!

Night Two: North Higgins Lake State Park Campground

This campground was reasonably close to I75, so getting there was easy. When I arrived, I got parked and went over to the bathrooms. They were locked. Closed. Seriously? So, much for my shower! Fortunately I brought the cassette toilet.

I paid $35.00 for a few hundred square feet of dirt and power overnight? That seems like as much of a rip-off as yesterday. Though, I did get to charge the batteries in the trailer. That was a plus.

Another downside to the campground was that it was awfully close to the main road. There was a lot of traffic noise until after 11PM.

In the morning, I woke up to a chilly 25°. The weather guessers said it wasn’t supposed to get down below 34°. You can’t trust anyone!

Night Three: Lake Perrault near Houghton, MI

This place was gorgeous!

I spent my last night camping in this beautiful place. I was all alone in the campground. A few people drove down to the water while I was there. The place is a “lovers lane” of sorts. There was a group of people who came into the area at around 10PM and started running a chainsaw. They were building a bonfire up the hill from me. When the rains started at 11PM they noise quickly disappeared.

It poured down rain for hours overnight. I highly recommend the roof top tent I have. It was so nice to wake up completely dry in the morning. In other news the bonfire the locals started the night before was still burning strongly. What morons.

The road in is AWFUL. It was so bad that it, somehow popped the hitch off the ball. There was no damage, but it was a bit scary.

There are a few spots suitable for a small travel trailer, but most of them are better suited to tents.

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