March 9, 2025

As I’m sure I have previously mentioned, a friend of ours keeps bee hives on our property. Here’s an aerial video of him working on one of them.

As of this posting there are two hives on that bench, not just the one. Apparently, by May, the one hive had produced around 160# of honey. That feels like an insane amount.

Given the large amount of honey he collected from the corner of our yard, he offered to supply the honey if I would make mead. Last week a bucket appeared on the porch with approximately 27# of honey.

That meant it was time to make mead!

I gathered the ingredients and the equipment.

First, in went 9# of frozen blueberries.
Next came the 16# of honey
Finally came the water to fill to 6 gallons

I made an error when it comes to the order of operations. I should have put in the FROZEN blueberries and then the hot water BEFORE putting in the honey. The honey hit the blueberries and became a solid mass. I’m pretty sure there is still a sticky ball of blueberry/honey in the middle of the carboy.

Finally, in went the yeast and the yeast nutrient. I shook the heck out of the carboy until there was no more honey sticking to the sides.

The second batch

The second batch was far easier. In went 8# of honey, then hot water to make up 3 gallons and finally the yeast ands nutrient. The original gravity on the second one was 1.120! I can only assume the blueberry mead started out the same or slightly higher, but I can’t be sure, because the Tilt hydrometer can’t get to the surface because of the blueberries.

I’ll keep you posted on the progress

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